depressed friend, I am here for you.

Depressed Friend, I am Here for You.

Dear depressed friend, I’m not going anywhere.

Numb. Sad. Defeated. Hopeless. 

When depression hits, it hits hard, trying to devour its latest victim.

Depression feels like you’re drowning, sinking deeper and deeper into the water with small particles of fractured light above you. The pain has no comparison.

It steals all the joy, purpose, and motivation out of your life like a powerful vacuum.

Christian motherhood where is the fruit?

Christian Moms: 3 Biblical Truths to Encourage You

Christian moms, this one is for you.

“That’s it? That is all the juice we get!” gasped my 4-year-old son in disgust as he eyed the small amount of orange liquid yielded from the pile of oranges we had juiced. 

My older son begged for us to make homemade, fresh-squeezed orange juice with our breakfast, so I obliged. There is something about the taste of fresh juice, isn’t there?

Anxious Mama, Take Your Power Back

Here she is again—the anxious mama in me. Overwhelmed. Defeated. Tense. Weary.

I know my kids feel my angst and anxiety. They can see it in my face, my tired eyes, and in the tone of my voice. They see it by the way I move around. It’s in the air of our home. 

“Stop it. Don’t do that.”

“Ugh, another spill? Come on.”

“Now what’s the matter?” 

“Leave your brother alone.”

When you feel consumed with anxiety, bring it to Jesus.

“Deep breaths, Kelley. You’ve got this,” I said to myself. 

“Inhale. 1-2-3. Exhale. 1-2-3.”

For the last decade I’ve experienced everything from mild to moderate anxiety, to full-blown panic, but never when flying – until now. 

That’s the tricky thing with anxiety – and any mental disorder for that matter – sometimes there’s a circumstance that triggers it, but not always.

Three Challenges for Parents with Mental Illness

“You are calm. You are in control.” These are some of the positive things I say to myself when I’m in the middle of parenting or disciplining and feel like my emotions might erupt like a volcano.

Toys might be soaring through the air. Doors are rattled. Tempers ready to burst. Fists clenched tightly. The tension in the environment is so high, it permeates the entire house. I can start to feel it in my body; something isn’t right.

A Travel Guide to Portland, Oregon

These are the initial things that drew us to Portland: food, beer, shopping, hiking, and biking. When we saw how reasonable plane tickets and Air bnbs were, we decided to make Portland our 10th wedding anniversary trip destination. The ultimate goal was to spend quality time together for 6 days…while eating too much and hiking and biking our way around town until we felt better.